Kate's Happily Ever After Read online

Page 6

  “Hey there,” was all he got passed his lips before the door was fully open, and he took his first look at her. His mouth dropped open as he stared at the woman on his porch. He’d never seen Kate look so utterly delicious! Her long, tailored coat was unbuttoned and allowed a perfect view of her sexy-as-sin outfit. Her nipples strained against a sweater that hugged her in all of the right places.

  Is she even wearing a bra? Bryan wondered as his cock instantly sprang to attention. Snug, black pants hugged her long, shapely legs, and even her black, sparkly flat shoes turned him on. It was quite a departure from her usual, more conservative manner of dress, and he wholeheartedly approved.

  Her hair was slightly windblown, her cheeks a little pink and her gorgeous eyes seemed to be already darkened with lust. The subtle fragrance she always wore, along with the scent that was uniquely Katie, wafted in on the chilly night breeze, igniting his blood even more. All doubts about his plan for the evening disappeared. Now, he just prayed he survived.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked with a touch of worry evident in her voice.

  He stepped out the door to her. “Katie, you’re breathtaking,” he whispered. “Not being with you the last few days has been sheer misery.” Bryan lowered his lips to hers. He snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her hard against his body. She eagerly grabbed him in return and moved sensuously in his embrace. She roughly cupped his ass when their tongues met. He ravished her mouth and caressed up and down her back. Katie twined her fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp.

  “Do you guys remember that the people who live across the street are about a million years old? If they catch your show, they might both have a heart attack.”

  Kate instantly stiffened in Bryan’s arms, but he maintained an iron hold on her as he reluctantly ended their kiss with a sigh. He smiled and winked at her before he turned with her held tightly to his side.

  “Kate, I’d like you to meet Jason Burns,” Bryan introduced cheerily as he brought her into his house and closed the front door.

  “Um, hi, Jason. Very, ah, nice to meet you,” Kate stammered as she held out her hand in greeting. “I didn’t know Bryan had company.” She shot Bryan an “I’m gonna kill you when we’re alone” look that he chose to ignore.

  “Jason instinctively knows when I have a pot of my famous chili on the stove. He always feels entitled to come by and mooch a meal. After all these years, I can’t possibly break him of the habit.”

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Kate. I’ve heard a lot about you,” Jason drawled with a slight Southern accent. He shook her hand while he checked her out from head to toe.

  “All good I hope,” she replied with a shy grin. Kate removed her coat. She handed it and her purse to Bryan, who hung both in the closet.

  “He didn’t begin to do you justice, darlin’. What I can’t figure out is why he didn’t go after you long before now. I wouldn’t have been able to hold myself back for weeks, let alone years of working with you.”

  “Wow, Bryan your chili must be really, really good. Your friend here will say anything to get a bowl.” Her cheeks were stained bright pink.

  “You wound me,” Jason said dramatically as he placed his hand over his heart. “I just call things like I see ‘em. Bryan’s been singing your praises for quite a while.” Jason strolled to the oversized couch, dropped down and grabbed the corkscrew. “Come on over here and get comfy.” He patted the cushion next to him. “I want to get to know the woman who’s got this guy’s skivvies all in a bunch.”

  Kate chuckled and accepted his invitation but sat at the other end of the couch. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, Jason, within reason of course.”

  “Oh, you’re setting rules for my prying into your personal life? That’s not fair.”

  “But I get the feeling it’s probably necessary,” Kate replied with a smirk.

  Bryan intently watched the exchange between his best friend and his woman. He and Jason had met as freshmen in college and ended up rooming together in an apartment off campus for the next three years. Back then, neither of them lacked for female company, however, Jason had always been far more adventurous. He was a devout bachelor and played the field hard, but he one hundred percent honestly appreciated and cherished all females of the species.

  Although Jason’s current job called for a great deal of travel, they’d stayed in close touch. He’d been out of the country since Bryan and Katie had hooked up, so they’d been logging a lot of computer chatting time over the last month. Jason had given him giant “I told you so” shit in the beginning. He’d been encouraging Bryan to pursue Kate since he’d confessed his crush on her years ago. In Jason’s opinion, Bryan should have made his move as soon as Katie was officially divorced. Bryan had greatly appreciated the encouragement and support, but he’d understood she needed time to heal and regroup before dipping her foot in the dating pool. He had patience galore and had banked on the fact that being her friend and confidant during that period would ultimately pay off. If she’d started seeing someone else, he would have jumped in immediately.

  After Jason poured the wine, Bryan handed Kate her glass then sat on the floor by her feet and casually draped his arm over her thigh. Kate had started out a bit reserved and cautious, but in short order, the three of them were conversing and laughing about everything from politics to movies to current events.

  When Bryan happened to glance at his watch as he finished his glass of wine, he was surprised to see more than an hour had passed. During that time, Kate had kicked off her shoes and gradually repositioned herself to slightly recline against the arm of the couch. She’d tucked up one leg beneath her and was idly brushing the toes of her other foot around on the plush carpet.

  Jason was deep in a hilarious story about the airport mishaps he’d had on his way home from Europe when Bryan glanced at Katie. She seemed to hang on his every word. She nodded periodically and even laughed in the right parts, but when he looked directly at her, she sported an expression he’d seen many, many times. It was a blend of curiosity and a whole lot of horny.

  Thank God, he thought with monstrous relief. He’d hoped and prayed she’d like Jason and be attracted to him. It was imperative to his plan of fulfilling another of her fantasies.

  * * * *

  Jason was finishing a story, but Kate found herself studying him instead of actually listening. This man was tall, dark, and oh so handsome. He was slightly thinner than Bryan but just as tall and well built. His jet-black hair fell to his shoulders which added to his rough around the edges vibe. Plus he was a riot. Kate gravitated toward people with a healthy sense of humor, especially when it leaned to the sarcastic, smartass side. Bryan had talked a lot about his best friend, especially their college antics. Kate could easily picture these two walking into a bar on campus and having girls throw themselves at their feet.

  How did I get so lucky to be here with these guys at this stage in the game? She couldn’t stop her thoughts from wandering. A book she’d recently read, about the sexual escapades of a Comanche warrior in the Old West, sprang to her mind. Kate could picture Jason in the role of the untamed, wild man easily seducing innocent women into offering him their virginity.

  “And then the Yeti hopped into his sports car and drove off into the sunset,” Jason said.

  “Huh, what the hell does that have to do with anything?” Bryan asked.

  “Earth to Katie,” Jason said as he leaned over and touched her foot.

  Kate flinched as if she’d been burned. Heat rose up her neck and onto her face. She was so embarrassed she wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear. Somehow, Jason was now close to her, staring so intently into her eyes that she knew he was quite aware she hadn’t been listening to a word coming out of his mouth. She was also afraid from his expression that he suspected her thoughts were of the impure variety. Why was she doing that and with Bryan sitting right at her feet?

  Wine, it must be the wine. She frantically trie
d to justify her inappropriateness. Or I’ve turned into a sex maniac and need professional help.

  “Hey, Bryan, I think your lady’s bored with the conversation,” Jason noted quietly. His hand slowly slid up Kate’s exposed ankle. “Maybe, we should think about partaking in other activities?” He pinned her with what she worried was a suggestive grin. Panic set in like a tidal wave.

  “Fantastic idea, Jason,” Kate agreed. She jumped up so fast she barely avoided knocking Bryan in the side of his head with her knee on the way off the couch. “I’ll, um, get stuff ready for dinner,” she said and hightailed it into the kitchen.

  Her heart sank when she saw Bryan had already set the table and left bowls at the ready by the stove.

  “I can’t go back out there,” she muttered under her breath. Lifting the lid of the pot, she vigorously stirred the chili. Out in the living room, Bryan and Jason talked in lowered voices, but she heard Bryan say the words “careful” and “panic”, and Jason say, “turned on”. The metal spoon slipped from her hand.

  “Everything okay in here?” Bryan asked as he and Jason joined her.

  “Yep, you know how clumsy I can be,” she replied too quickly and in a tone that bordered on high-pitched. “What would you two like to drink with dinner?” She swung open the refrigerator with enough vigor that the condiments and salad dressings stored in the door rattled against each other.

  “Water’s good for me,” Jason said, walking up to her. She handed him a bottle, and their fingers touched. He lifted a brow but said nothing.

  “I’ll have a soda.” Bryan kissed her cheek when she handed him a can. “Thanks, honey. You go sit down and let me serve,” he added as he shot a pointed glance at the splattered chili on the stove around the dropped spoon.

  Kate was so nervous during the meal she had difficulty swallowing, despite the yumminess of Bryan’s cooking. Although the conversation remained light and interesting, the atmosphere in the room seemed emotionally charged. Kate tried to convince herself she was imagining it, but then she’d catch one or the other of the men looking at her with such an intense expression it made her slightly dizzy. They were definitely behaving differently, strangely. Bryan was probably super pissed that she’d ogled his friend right in front of him, and Jason was probably freaked out by the horny old lady.

  “Dinner was delicious, Bryan. I really appreciate you cooking tonight.” Kate pushed back her chair, picked up her bowl and headed to the dishwasher. The sooner she ended this weirdness, the better. She’d excuse herself and head home. Hopefully, she and Bryan could fix things tomorrow.

  “What are you doing?” Bryan asked cautiously.

  “I figure you and Jason want to visit, do things, since you haven’t seen each other for a while, so I’m going to leave you to it. Jason, it was great to meet you.” She wiped her hands on the dishtowel then walked to stand behind Bryan’s chair. She loosely put her arms around Bryan’s neck and kissed him on the side of his cheek. He locked his hands around her wrists, quite effectively holding her in place.

  “You’re spending the night here, Kate.” Bryan spoke in a low, authoritative voice.

  Because she wasn’t able to see his expression from her angle, Kate couldn’t gage his mood. He didn’t sound mad, exactly. He actually sounded a bit like he did when he wanted her to be submissive in bed. She risked a quick glance at Jason, who stared directly at Bryan and paid no attention to her. She had zero idea what to say or do.

  “Hey, Jason, how about you go pick out some appropriate mood music, and we’ll meet you in the living room in a few minutes.”

  “Sure.” Jason left the table without another word.

  “Take it easy, Katie.” Bryan stood and turned her to face him without releasing his grip on her wrists. The look in his eyes set her senses soaring. Every erogenous zone on her body, and some she’d always figured didn’t care about sex, burst to life. Bryan wasn’t mad. He was as turned on as she’d ever seen him.

  Risking a glance at his crotch, she wondered why his jeans hadn’t split yet. She quickly returned her eyes to his face, and reality hit her so fast she was glad Bryan still had hold of her. If he hadn’t, she would have crumbled onto the kitchen tile.

  Oh Lord, she panicked. Jason saw that look! Oh good Lord! she thought with even more panic. Was that same look on Jason’s face earlier? They weren’t thinking about… No, that’s impossible. The room began to spin. I couldn’t… They couldn’t… This way out of my league. Fantasizing is so different from actually doing! That’ll teach me to honestly answer Bryan’s questions. He must be out of his mind!

  “Come on, honey. There’s nothing to be afraid of,” he coaxed as he ushered her into the living room. He gently guided her to sit on the couch. He came down next to her, and while cradling the back of her neck, he kissed her forehead, both of her eyelids, the tip of her nose and the bottom of her chin.

  Kate surveyed the room. Jason was nowhere to be found.

  “It’s obvious Jason turns you on,” Bryan said.

  She opened her mouth to protest, but he rested his finger on her lips, silencing her.

  “That’s not a bad thing, Katie.” He took her hand and laid it over his crotch. “I’ve never been so horny in my entire life.”

  “Bryan, whatever it is you have in mind…”

  “I think you know exactly what we have in mind. I also think that if you’d just allow yourself to honestly assess the situation, you’d discover it excites you as much as it does us.” He applied gentle pressure to her shoulders until she reclined against the arm of the couch. He lifted her feet up off of the floor and helped her find a comfortable position. Then he crawled up next to her and kissed her zealously.

  Kate’s thoughts were in such turmoil she just closed her eyes, folded her arms around his shoulders and kissed him in return with the strength of all of the emotions swirling within her. Bryan truly wanted her to make love with both of them? Was it really possible Jason found her as attractive and desirable as Bryan did? Did she have the nerve to follow through with what she felt was her most decadent sexual fantasy? She knew Bryan would never let things get too overwhelming for her. He wouldn’t push too fast or too far. She trusted him completely, but what if she let him down? Or couldn’t do what he wanted of her? Or fainted dead away from the adrenaline coursing through her veins?

  “Your heart is beating so hard, Katie. I can feel it against my chest. Be calm, my beautiful love. Nothing’s going to happen that you don’t want to happen,” he coaxed as he kissed down the side of her throat. “You’re the most desirable, sexy, amazing woman I’ve ever known, and I want to experience everything with you.” Bryan nipped and tasted along her skin on his journey down to the V of her sweater. He gently squeezed her breasts together to cradle his face.

  A sigh of pure lust escaped her lips as she twined her fingers in Bryan’s hair and held him to her chest. She forced her body to relax into the plush cushions. As Bryan continued his sensual onslaught, she spread her legs to allow him the ability to nestle more snugly against her.

  “Oh, yeah, perfect,” he said. “I promise you tonight will surpass your wildest dreams.” There wasn’t an ounce of boastfulness in his voice. “Being the man you allow to bring your fantasy into reality is my wildest dream come true. Do you love me, Kate?”

  “With all my heart,” she answered swiftly.

  “And I love you with all of mine,” he agreed. “We’re consenting adults, and life is supposed to be an adventure. Let’s take another one together tonight.” He moved his hands to the bottom of her sweater and slowly rolled it up.

  Kate lifted her arms high in the air and allowed him to remove the garment. She gloried in his appreciative smile upon discovery of her new bra. With a slight growl, Bryan lowered his head to her breast and blew warm breath over her nipple before taking it into his mouth through the diaphanous fabric. He sucked until it was as hard as a pebble then moved to attend to her other one. He gently shoved her bra up. Ever so slowly, he inched
his way down her body. He licked the undersides of both of her breasts, her ribcage and her tummy until he got to the top of her pants. Kate was so hypersensitive to his touch already she couldn’t help her sighs and moans of pleasure.

  Bryan sat back on his knees and popped the button of Kate’s jeans. She didn’t think twice about raising her hips to help him pull the denim down her legs. His sexy laughter caused her to prop up on her elbows. She grinned as he stared, with obvious appreciation, at the wisp of fabric that covered her pussy.

  “Do you like?” she asked playfully. Katie lifted her feet to let him finish removing her pants.

  “Hell, yes,” came the answer from across the room.

  Kate froze. Jason was now sitting in one of the recliners. When did he come in? How long has he been here? With one ankle set on his other knee, and his arms resting on the arms of the chair, he appeared about as casual as a person could be. When she locked eyes with him though, the stark passion in his expression was breathtaking.

  “Katie, please,” Jason implored as he rose and cautiously moved in their direction. He knelt and placed his palms on either side of her head. “Allow me the honor of making love to you, too, darlin’.”

  This was the moment that would decide everything. There were two magnificent men waiting for her to decide if she’d allow them to pleasure her. She wanted to give in to her desires, she wanted to have the experience, she just wanted…

  “Bryan?” Katie prayed her whispered question conveyed all her insecurity and all her desire in one breath.

  “Forget about convention, honey. Let go of your worries. We’re here to take care of you.” Bryan hooked his fingers in the waistband of her panties and slid them off. He began to slowly lick her outer lips with ultimate tenderness.

  Kate sighed at the glorious feel of Bryan’s damp, cool tongue on her heated pussy. She wondered what Jason would do first. When Jason’s lips met hers, they were firm, soft and tasty. Her mouth opened slightly in surprise when Bryan gave a strong lick to her clit, and Jason drove his tongue past her lips with gusto. Kate eagerly accepted his invasion as she raised her hips so Bryan could slide his hands under her ass. He pressed her more fully to his mouth, and his tongue darted around and in and out of her pussy. Jason rolled and gently pinched her nipples then kneaded the undersides of her breasts as he continued to plunder her mouth.